CleanMaster ClearWater Rinse

Item # CM-CWRD-1G | Mfr. Model # 800-250

  • pH 2.7 – 3.3
  • Neutralizing Emulsifier Anti-Resoiling Rinse
  • Restores the pH and protects against browning and yellowing
  • Stabilizes carpet dyes
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From: $36.70

Neutralizing Emulsifier Anti-Resoiling Rinse

ClearWater Rinse completes the maximum extraction cleaning job as a neutralizing rinse. It’s pH neutralizes the carpet, contains emulsifying rinse agents to complete soil removal, and utilizes exclusive technology to help prevent re-soiling.

  • ClearWater Rinse contains the industry exclusive component Tritanol™ - an integrated blend of specialized encapsulating polymers, organic sequestrants, and specialty surfactants. With the unprecedented cleaning power and performance of Tritanol™, you will experience deep restorative cleaning in high definition.
  • Using Clearwater Rinse as your final extraction rinse allows you to get the carpet cleaner than with conventional acid rinses, and helps the carpet to stay cleaner, longer.
  • Finishing the extraction job with ClearWater Rinse will leave the carpet softer, with a fresh squeaky-clean feel and smell.
  • Available Sizes: gallon


  1. Always pre-test all cleaning solutions in an inconspicuous area for colorfastness prior to application.
  2. ClearWater Rinse is formulated as a neutralizing rinse applied as the final step of cleaning through a carpet extraction machine. For post cleaning topical acid neutralizing and browning treatment, use CleanMaster RinseOut.
  3. In a portable extractor, mix 1-2 oz. of ClearWater Rinse with 5 gallons of water. In a truckmount, mix 1 quart of ClearWater Rinse to 5 gallons of water. If used as a stand-alone cleaning agent without the use of a prespray in a walk-behind extractor, mix 1 part solution with 64 parts water (2 ounces to a gallon).
  4. For faster cleaning, reduced fatigue, and more effective soil removal, extract with the RX-20 Rotary Extraction Tool. In furniture dense environments use the Evolution cleaning wand.
  5. For faster drying, especially in humid environments, consider the use of an axial, centrifugal, or downdraft air mover after cleaning.

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